Hello, ROCStars!  I hope everyone’s year is off to a great start!  Thank you to everyone that was able to join us for our first Parent Circle meeting of the year.  We had a great group and I’m excited to see what we can accomplish together this year.

A couple of items to note for the coming week…

  1.  Friday, September 22nd is an Early Release day.  School will dismiss at 1:00pm and carpool will run from 1:00-1:30pm.  Every Early Release day at ROCS is also an optional pajama day.  We welcome all students to wear comfy, weather appropriate jammies to welcome the (slightly) longer weekend.  Please note that fleecy, fuzzy jammies often seem like a great idea at 8:00am but get pretty sweaty by 1:00pm in September!  Parent Circle will collect an optional $1 donation every Pajama Day.  Teachers have an envelope for donations and PC will collect them.
  2. Also, Parent Circle provides lunch for our staff on Early Release days.  Several times a year we spring for a fully catered lunch, but the rest of the meals we ask parents to contribute to a pot luck lunch.  If you are able to contribute this month, please sign up here
  3. We have a Patreon account!  We count on this stable, monthly income for budgeting our projects throughout the year.  The more donors we have, the more we can do for our staff, students and school!
  4. Do you have experience writing grants?  We’d love for you to join the ROCS Grants Committee!  This is not a Parent Circle committee, but is lead by Board Member Claire Porter.  If you’d like to help, please contact her at cporter@raleighoakcharter.org!

Thank you for all you do to support our school!  Have a great week!