Following guidance as outlined by The Strong Schools NC Toolkit and the NC Department of Health and Human Service; our model will be executed as follows:

At ROCS, we take seriously our responsibility to provide a safe and healthy school environment. We believe that all the people in our school community – students, staff, families, and more – whether they are in our school building or outside of it, are connected. 

We also believe that a vital part of being in a community is to show care for each other when making decisions, especially when those decisions could directly and seriously harm others. To that end, we are taking a layered approach to mitigate the presence of COVID-19 in our school community. That approach includes the following:

  1. Promoting vaccinations for all eligible individuals 
  2. Minimizing exposure to COVID-19 by minimizing opportunities for sustained close contact
  3. Continuing robust cleaning and hygiene practices
  4. Managing suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases through masking, isolation, and quarantine, as directed by the CDC and the NCDHHS Strong Schools Toolkit.

Face Masks

Generally, when our Board of Directors adopts a mask-optional policy, students and staff will be permitted to decide whether to wear a mask or not. Notwithstanding the foregoing, even in a mask-optional setting, masks will be required at the discretion of the administration team in the following circumstances:

  1. In accordance with guidance from the StrongSchoolsNC Toolkit, the NCDHHS, and/or CDC guidance
  2. Where an individual tests positive for COVID-19
  3. Where an individual has symptoms of COVID-19
  4. Where an individual has experienced a potential or known exposure to COVID-19
  5. In accordance with state and/or federal law, including but not limited to the Americans with Disabilities Act and Amendments.

For the safety of others, when a mask is required, the school requires a 2-layer cloth face mask or medical-grade mask. Masks must cover the nose, mouth, and chin simultaneously.  We recommend that those who wear a mask choose a high quality respiratory mask such as a N95 or KN95 when possible. 

It is always important to be mindful that there are many reasons why an individual may or may not mask. All employees are expected to be supportive of their students’ and coworkers’ choices with respect to masking. 

Additional Information – Visitors

Similarly, all family members and students are expected to be supportive of staff and fellow students with respect to their masking choices. Unsupportive behavior toward those who choose to wear a mark – whether by a staff member, student, parent, guardian, volunteer, or visitor – will not be tolerated.





Years Established

Get In Touch

Location: 2600 Sumner Blvd, Raleigh, NC 27616

Telephone: (919) 322-2615

Fax: (919) 322-2634

Email: info@raleighoakcharter.org

School Hours: M-F: 9am - 3:15pm