Hello ROCS families,

Welcome back to school! We hope you are settling nicely into the rhythm of this big, new year. Below, you’ll find key takeaways from Wednesday’s regular board meeting of the ROCS Board of Directors:

(1) As some of you may already know, this is a charter renewal year for ROCS! Your board and administrators are busy preparing for the next steps in our renewal process.

(2) We will soon be adding teacher and student representatives as non-voting members of the board.

(3) Remember to consult the 2022-2023 Academic Calendar when planning your family vacations. Regular attendance is critical to learning, and frankly, week-long absences from school have a lasting and negative impact on growth. Public Waldorf education simply does not translate well to take-home worksheets.

(4) We’ve seen a GREAT response to our call for volunteers. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Now, it’s time to get started… The number one thing we need right now are helpful humans to open doors at morning and afternoon carpool. Expect a sign-up sheet from the Parent Circle (PC) soon! The more people we have, the faster the line can move!

(5) You’ll also be hearing from PC about additional volunteer and donation opportunities related to grant writing, fundraising, and more. Stay tuned!

(6) If you or anyone in your network is interested in joining our substitute teacher list, please email adawson@raleighoakcharter.org for more information.

(7) The regular Monthly Board meeting is back in person! We welcome our community to join the public portion of our meetings —including the public comment period— on the last Wednesday of the month at 6pm in the Multipurpose Room at the school. More information on the change can be found here.

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend,