Hello ROCStars,

We want to start with immense gratitude for all of the members of our community who have shown up in big ways and small to lend a helping hand in the past month. The school is better for it. Below, you’ll find key takeaways from the October regular board meeting of the ROCS Board of Directors.

(1) The board recognized the Parent Circle for all of their work in setting up new volunteer signup software and rallying to support our staff this past month. PC Treasurer Angela Shin presented their quarterly Budget update and it was very informative.

(2) The full board is prepping for our November 8th presentation to the Charter School Advisory Board (CSAB) regarding our 2023 Charter Renewal. This is a normal part of the charter school governance process, and we welcome all of your positive energy as we prep to present in a couple of weeks.

(3) Based on a best practice recommendation from Charter Success Partners, we voted to move our charter lottery application period start date from November 1 to January 1 to remain competitive with other local charter schools.

(4) All open positions have been advertised and we have performed initial vetting of all applicants for all positions. We are working diligently to fill all open positions, and are in the second round of interviews with prospective ED candidates.

With gratitude,
The ROCS Board of Directors