It’s hard to believe we’re down to the last couple of days of summer vacation.  I hope everyone had a safe and happy break.  We’re so excited to welcome everyone back to a new home!  You’ll be receiving a lot of information about first day logistics shortly, but here’s some info from Parent Circle to tide you over!

  1. Ride Share: If you are interested in carpooling, please use this form (in English and Spanish) to connect with other families in your area.  Sharing rides is great for the planet, shortening the car pool line, and solving the logistical challenges of getting everyone where they need to be before and after work/school!
  2. Flower Ceremony: On the first morning of school, each student will be given a flower as they enter the building.  They take their flower to their classroom and place it in a vase.  By the time everyone arrives, a beautiful bouquet is created, symbolizing the coming together of many individuals as one class.  Many teachers already have a vase in their classroom, but if you have an extra vase sitting around gathering dust, feel free to send it in on the first day just in case any classrooms need one!  Our staggered-entry Kindergarten friends will get a flower on Wednesday!

We’re looking forward to a great year!