Hello, ROCStars!  Welcome to November!

Volunteer Opportunities: We have a couple of upcoming volunteer opportunities.  Picture Day helpers are needed on Monday, November 13th and Tuesday, November 14th.  Details and signups are located here.  We will also need a few adult volunteers to assist our student volunteers with our beverage stations at Friday’s Lantern Walk.  Please sign up to help here!

State of the School Presentation: Don’t forget that Dr. Johnson will be presenting on the state of our school on Tuesday, November 14th at 4:30pm in the Multipurpose Room.  Children are welcome to attend and the event will be streamed and recorded for those who cannot attend live.

Girls on the Run Community Impact Project: Our ROCS Girls on the Run team has decided to collect small useful items for individuals living in or receiving help from shelters and the homebound elderly.  We will have a bin in the lobby area from Monday morning (the 13th)-Thursday morning (the 16th) for donations of items such as travel-sized toiletries, wet wipes, warm socks/slippers, hand warmers, puzzle books or simple games, non-perishable snacks, etc.  If you have items around the house that could benefit those without permanent housing or the elderly, please send them in!  Our team will also make encouraging cards to bring a little sunshine to the recipients of their donations.

Lost and Found: the Lost and Found is overflowing!  Please make time to stop by after school (perhaps when you come to the State of the School address!) and look through the collection for your items or have your student check during school.  We will make an effort to reunited lost items with owners before Christmas break and will donate any usable unclaimed items to the 4th grade Coat Drive!

It’s a busy week at ROCS, but I hope it’s a great one!