Greetings, ROCStar Families!

We have some more exciting news to share with you this week.  Please read below for details!

  1.  We are excited to announce that our Yard Sale event has been rescheduled at a new location.  It will be held Saturday, June 1st from 8:00am – 12:00pm at Triangle Cinemas at 9500 Forum Drive.  This is the movie theater by the old ROCS location, so it will be very familiar to many of you!  Please sign up for your seller spot using this form.
  2. We are extending our sock and sneaker recycling collection until May 17th.  Look for the bins at the front and rear of the school to donate those (clean and dry) random single socks and outgrown sneakers to benefit our school and keep these items out of landfills!
  3. Volunteers are needed to help as hall monitors during EOG administration.  You will accompany students that need to be in the hallways to ensure the building is quiet and free of distractions for our students taking these tests.  Please sign up for any days you can help here.
  4. Here’s another reminder to check the Lost and Found before the end of May.  Unclaimed items will be donated.  The L&F is located outside of the Lemurs classroom/across from the Handwork classroom where the book fair was held.  Have your students check this area or come check for yourself after school!
  5. Finally, our last Parent Circle meeting of this school year will be Tuesday, May 14th at 6:30pm.  Join us in person in the multipurpose/movement room or virtually here.  We will be opening up officer election nominations shortly, so bring any questions you have about leveling up your PC participation and fun!

Have a great week!