Parent Circle Update ~ October PC Meeting

Please join us for our monthly meeting, this Tuesday, October 8 @ 6:30pm in the ROCS Movement Room or attend virtually via google meet: Our guest speaker, Ms. Finser, will open and close our session with Waldorf introduction and...

Parent Circle Update

Welcome back from Spring Break, everyone!  I hope it was a safe and happy one for all of you.  We have a lot of exciting things happening between now and the end of the year, so be sure to keep an eye on this space for all the latest Parent Circle updates!  Parent...

Parent Circle Update

Happy New Year, ROCStars! Parent Circle is very excited to welcome our new Executive Director, Ms. Sarah Ross! A couple of items for your calendars…  Our next Early Release day is Friday, January 20.  Our Hearts Committee has planned a lovely Lunar New Year...

Parent Circle Update

Greetings, ROCS Families! Spirit Night: We will have a Spirit Night at Two Roosters Ice Cream on Tuesday, October 25th.  This fundraiser will benefit Ms. Dawson.  Please see the flyer here: School Spirit Oak (1)  Donations can also be sent to @ROCSPC via Venmo/Paypal...